Embrace The Fro & Learn to Love your natural hair!

I got to thinking. Why am I natural? I quite like the look of relaxed and treated hair. Maybe I should go back to it? But wait, isn’t there a reason why I am natural? I had to remind myself of why I keep my hair natural and why it’s important for me to keep going especially in this moment of unsurety. I wrote down these points to encourage you to keep going and of course to encourage myself!

Embrace the fro<Instagram Post Above>

1) Your fro is your hair in it’s most natural state.

2) If you didn’t have any cash to maintain your hair at a salon or even at home you could do some fantastic styles with natural hair and a bit of water & oil.

3) God made you that way. It wasn’t a mistake.

4) Even if you aren’t always natural, it’s still important to be comfortable with your natural hair when you do have it.

5) I’m passionate about being myself & I think it’s important that black women do not feel like they are offending others just be being themselves and embracing their natural hair.

6) Natural hair isn’t ‘Afrocentric’ or ‘urban’ or ‘funky’ or ‘Rastafarian’ it’s just HAIR. Different ethnicities have different textured hair. No big deal. No one should be made to feel like his or her hair is extremely foreign and weird.

7) We need to educate people! (I have friends who have been genuinely shocked to hear that I shampoo & condition my hair)

8) Natural hair is not unprofessional. You should be able to feel comfortable with it in any situation.

9) Why should you have to wear braids, a weave, wig or even relax your hair? Those are not needs. They are preferences.

10) I’m not opposed to weaves, wigs, or even relaxing …I’m opposed to people thinking natural hair isn’t acceptable as normal.

I believe in freedom of expression especially when it comes to style! So be free to be you!

Check out the video & leave your thoughts

Until the next post!

Tabitha x

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